Attention USA / Canadian castlers,
Have you 'liked' the castle on Facebook?
If not, that's okay, because I don't like you either.
But, if you were to like the castle, and post some love / hate mail on our wall, tell us where you're from and what your blood type is, and we might be sending you a copy of Accidents Happen on blu ray!
So, this isn't quite the generous gift giving that it may seem to be.
This is a film I worked on back in 2008, when It came out on blu ray, I had Amazon send me a few copies, and of course, coming from America they are Region A locked, which is of no use to me at all here in Australia.
So, Rather than gathering dust in my office, we thought we'd give them to YOU!!!!
This is a film that completely flew under the radar for almost everyone. I was lucky enough to catch the Cast & Crew screening, and to be honest, it's a pretty decent film.
Like Castle Awesome on Facebook.
Show the wall some love,
and if you're in the USA or Canada, you might open your letter box to find a copy of Accidents Happen waiting for you.
Not in the USA or Canada? Still want to see this film?
fear not!
it's on iTunes HERE!
and the soundtrack by Luke Steele is HERE!
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