Friday, November 11, 2011

Birthing Bromance

@BromanceRecords @BRODINSKI @gesaffelstein

So Bromance #1 is the birth of a new Label. 'Bromance Records' was created by the young super talent Brodinski. So of course you grab the infamous (infamous because his music is bad ass) Gesaffelstein and make an EP with him for you first release.

Enough talking. Here are the facts

Released November 21.

Two Track EP.

1. Gesaffelstein - Control Movement
2. Brodinski feat. Louisahhh! - Let The Beat Control Your Body.

Here's the Video

BROMANCE #1 : Brodinski & Gesaffelstein from Bromance Records on Vimeo.

Here are the previews

 Gesaffelstein - Control Movement (Preview) by BromanceRecords

 Brodinski feat. Louisahhh! - Let The Beat Control Your Body (Preview) by BromanceRecords

Follow here @BromanceRecords


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