Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Shake to FCP: "OH HAI MARK"

#FCPX @ronbrinkmann

Does anyone remember the software Shake? It wasn't as big as FCP because it had a smaller boutique market, but nevertheless, it was the last professional Apple product that died a horrible death, then was discontinued, and now, a former Shake designer, is out and about, shooting his mouth off, as he should.

Ronald Brinkmann has probably been spouting shit since Apple removed Shake as a product in 2009, but no one cared, nor believed him, until now. Here is a portion of his blog post.

After the acquisition I remember sitting in a roomful of Hollywood VFX pros where Steve told everybody point-blank that we/Apple were going to focus on giving them powerful tools that were far more cost-effective than what they were accustomed to… but that the relationship between them and Apple wasn’t going to be something where they’d be driving product direction anymore. Didn’t go over particularly well, incidentally, but I don’t think that concerned Steve overmuch…

The full post can be found here

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